But people, do you really want to know about band? Boring boring band?? * Visualises people shaking their heads* I thought so.
Anyway... About the BBQ. I was supposed to meet Julie and Hayley at 3.30 but I was running late so I reached at only 3.55 only to find them even later than me, which made them 1 HOUR LATE!!!( more or less )
Met the rest of them, Elijah, Dickson, Liyin and Huiyi, eventually at around 4.20. Took the bus and headed to Pasir Ris park and cycle. Liyin didn't know how to cycle so she kept getting left behind( Sorry!!!! ). We rode to the beach and saw something written in the sand. Do you know it was???? It was " I HEART PIG". Hahas!!!! It was freaking hilarious!!! And I swear we didn't write it!!! I'll leave you to make the assumptions... heehee * Gleams shamlessly *
Went to the BBQ after that. Sherwin and Dickson immediately jumped into the pool. The water temptation proved too great and the rest of us jumped into the pool after eating, which wasn't a wise move because I kept burping...
Duckie Mama didn't want to jump in beause she was afraid her bra would show, but Sherwin lent her his P.E. shirt and Duckie Mama really looked like A RUBBER DUCKIE!!!
Pics in the pool:

Julie looks possesed..CHOI!!!